htaccess authorization requiredIn this tutorial we will show you how to protect your osCommerce website using the htaccess / htpasswd means. After installing osCommerce, you may see a message stating "This osCommerce Online Merchant Administration Tool installation is not additionally secured through htaccess/htpasswd means," which can be corrected in the Admin panel of osCommerce.

This htaccess/htpasswd protection creates an additional layer of security that can help stop people from attempting to access the Admin portion of your osCommerce eshop. This is because they would have to get through this first layer of password protection before they could even attempt to access your osCommerce Admin panel.

How to Secure Your osCommerce with htaccess Password Protection:

  1. Login to the Admin Panel for osCommerce.
  2. Click the Configuration option in the navigation menu, then select Administrators.
  3. You will see the Administators listed, select the first one on the list, then you will see a menu appear to the right.
    Username This will list the name of the Administrator.
    New Password Enter a password in this field, be sure to write this password down, as it will be required for logging in after you save this setting.
    Protect With htaccess/htpasswd Check this box to enable htaccess protection.
    After making your selections, click the Save button. You will see a notification stating "This osCommerce Online Merchant Administration Tool installation is additionally secured through htaccess/htpasswd means."
    Now when you attempt to access your Admin area, you will be prompted for a username and password, before you get to the Admin login page. So you will have to enter your username and password twice, once to get to the osCommerce Admin page, and again to login to osCommerce.

    Congratulations, your osCommerce website is now protected using the htaccess / htpasswd method.
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n/a Points
2016-01-03 4:59 pm


It seems strange... I have a MAMP server in my Mac and installed osCommerce 2.3.4 here. I tried the method above and it worked perfectly.

I then installed the same version of osCommerce in the host web server, but the checkbox requiring .htaccess protection does NOT appear when I try to edit my admin account or create a new admin.

I then tried a .htaccess file I found in the internet, created an empty .htpsswd file and checked the .htpsswd path int the .htaccess file.

When accessing the admin site, I get the prompt, the admin name and pwd fields, I fill them correctly, but cannot login.

Any suggestions?





1,348 Points
2016-01-04 6:56 pm
I regret to hear you're having trouble .htaccess password authentication. Since you're using a MAMP service you may be well-advised to check the Apache modules you have loaded or enabled. You can check these in your httpd.conf file.

Also, you can check your directory structure. Make sure the .htaccess file you're editing is affecting the correct directory and there are no other nested .htaccess files that can be interfering with your installation.

Likewise, you can check ownership the files/folders. If you created any files or folders as "root" user they may not function properly in your browser.

You can always try resetting the password too, just in case.

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