Setting Invoice prefix and number enables you to customize your invoice identification and sequence numbers.  This can help cut down on documents that are generated to look like your own invoices and produce something that you can use to identify your store.  This is especially usefu when you are managing more than one shop.  The following tutorial will walk you through setting the invoice prefixes and numbers in PrestaShop 1.5.

Adding Custom Prefixes and Numbers to Invoices in PrestaShop 1.5

  1. Login to the Administrator Dashboard as an Administrator
  2. Go to the menu bar and hover over ORDERS, then click on the second item that appears in the drop-down menu, INVOICES.  Scroll down into the  PRINT PDF INVOICE options and you will see:


    And immediately beneath the INVOICE PREFIX is the INVOICE NUMBER:

    Note:  If you are using the MULTISHOP option, you will only see the checkboxes on the left when you have selected a specific store.  If you have selected ALL SHOPS or have disabled multishop, then you will not see this box. 

    Select the checkbox next to INVOICE PREFIX to activate it.
  3. Select a prefix to use and type it into the field next to the INVOICE PREFIX label.  Note that if you have more than one language selected, you will see multiple fields that would be required to be filled - one for each activated language.


                    The invoice number will look like:  MYSTOR000011
  4. Click on the checkbox to activate the field for INVOICE NUMBER.  Fill in a number that will identify the next generated invoice.  Invoice numbers will increase sequentially from the number you select.  If you want to use the number currently being used, simply set the number to 0.
  5. Select SAVE at the bottom of the page in order to save your entries.

The invoice generated by PRINT PDF INVOICES are identical to the ones that can be generated by the customers.  Here is an example:


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n/a Points
2014-08-14 12:34 pm

Is there any chance to change number of invoice to show actual date month and year. And to set first invoice number to 01 every month?



FV(invoice number)/(actual month)/actual year)/S

16,266 Points
2014-08-14 4:08 pm
Hello Darek,

Although a very logical request, the only customization PrestaShop allows is to pick a specific number and have it increase from there. You can always reset that number at the beginning of every month so that it works in a similar format. Though I would make sure the invoice number is at the end. Say for Aug 2014, you may want 2014080001 (yyyy/mm/####) so that the year is first, then the month, then the invoice number. It will then increase for you correctly.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2014-08-18 7:16 pm

Hello Mr Scott,

thank you for your reply and help so far. Unfortunately my invoice now are named: #FV/####/mm/yyyy/S004149 - dot by dot. I still have some time to fix that, but I'm affraid it require programing in PDF.php file :\. If I manage to solve this problem I will sen you how I did that.

many regards

Darek D.

16,266 Points
2014-08-18 7:29 pm
Hello Darek,

Yes please do let us know how you fix the issue, as we are still unable to duplicate it here with our installation. Good Luck to you!

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2014-08-18 7:00 pm
I want to change way how invoice name work not to put prefix. I need function that sets number of invoice FV(number of onvoice of this month)/(month)/(year)/S
egzample: for august 2014: FV01/08/2014/S; FV02/08/2014/S; FV03/08/2014/S etc.
16,266 Points
2014-08-18 9:29 pm
Hello Dariusz,

The invoice number format is pretty hard set. The one thing you have control of is the starting number. I did a check and worked with modifying the invoice number through a template modification but was unable to get it working in the manner you suggested within a reasonable amount of time. This is not to say it cannot be done, just that the amount of time I was able to put into it was not enough. You may want to check the PrestaShop forums or a third party developer that can make the change for you.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2014-08-26 1:22 am

Hello Mr Scott M,I was able to find mode that did all what I was looking for except reseting invoice number to 01 every month.mode is called:Order reference change mod v1.5.3 - by PrestadevNLGuys that made this mode says that :"Invoice numbers are numerical only, no alphanumeric characters are allowed, and invoices can't be reset to 1 at the first of each month but must be sequential." - I don't understand that, becauseThe only thing that is necessary for invoice number it is to not repeat its number on the next invoice.At least I have date in invoice number :)thx for support and suggestionsDariusz D.

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