The final group of items in the Preferences are the Notifications.  The settings show notifications for new orders, new customers, and new messages.  The following tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the notifications for each of these items.

Enabling or Disabling the Notifications for New Orders, New Customers and New Messages

  1. Login to the Administration Panel as an Administrator

  2. Hover over the menu bar where it says ADMINISTRATION, and then click on PREFERENCES in the drop down menu. Scroll down the Preferences until you find the Notfications section as per below:


  3. Enable the option or options that you need changed by selecting YES or NO:

    Show notifications for new orders - Displays notifications when new orders are made on the shop

    Show notifications for new customers - Displays notifications when new customers register on your shop

    Show notifications for new messages - Displays a notification when new messages are posted on your shop

The NOTIFICATION options lets the Administrator quickly set what notfications appear when either new orders, customers, or messages are made on your shop.

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n/a Points
2014-07-12 9:15 pm

I have aLL notifications ON and still get no e-mail from prestashop when a sale is done :S


16,266 Points
2014-07-14 4:10 am
Hello Mac,

Our testing platform as well as my own site work as described here. Can you think of anything special you may have added to your site just before it stopped working? (Assuming it was working previously) I am looking for any particular module you may have installed before it quit.

Does it work in your testing platform? What particular version of PrestaShop are you using? When did you install it? Was it a manual install or done via Softaculous? Are you one of our customers? Do you mind sharing the domain name?

Kindest Regards
Scott M

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