The Advanced Parameters section of the PrestaShop 1.5 has six different sections:  Smarty, Optional Features, CCC (Combine, Compress, and Cache), Media Servers, Ciphering, and Caching. Using these options will require some information on your installation in order to function.  The following article gives you a quick description of each section and also discusses the requirements  for PrestaShop 1.5.

Learning about the Advanced Parameters for Performance in PrestaShop 1.5

  1. To get to the Performance section of the Advanced Parameters for Prestashop, first login to the Administrator as an Administrator
  2. Hover over menu bar where it says ADVANCED PARAMETERS - click on PERFORMANCE when it appears in the drop-down menu.
  3. You will see the following screen (divided into 3 sections):

    Smarty and Optional Features prestashop15-advparams-perf1-top
    CCC and Media Servers prestashop15-performance-2
    Ciphering and Caching prestashop15-performance-3

    Descriptions of the 6 Sections for Performance Configuration:

    Smarty Smarty is the programming language to develop the PrestaShop template.  See:  http://smartynet/ for more info
    Optional Features Option that allows you to define options for PrestaShop
    CCC(Combine, Compress, and Cache) Tools that allow a reduction in the load of the server as well as the time required to load

    Media Servers (use only with CCC)

    Allows you to define Media servers so that some of your data is going to optimized servers serving video, etc.
    Ciphering Allows encryption of data
    Caching allows you to enable caching
  4. This article simply introduces you to each section, the articles following this introduction will give more detailed information. Note that if you wish to make changes to any of these sections, you must click on SAVE in the top right hand corner in order to save your selections.

These sections are all aimed towards the purpose of improving the performance of the server as it hosts the PrestaShop installation.  Make sure review your settings closely with your hosting service before making changes so that you do not cause problems with your server.  The explanation for understanding the Performance section begins with SMARTY.  See Learning About the use of SMARTY in PrestaShop 1.5.

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