If your store uses the store locator in PrestaShop, you may want to change the default image shown under the Our Stores block on your website. This is easily modified under the Stores block module in the PrestaShop back office.


  1. Begin by logging into your PrestaShop back office.
  2. Click on the Modules tab to display your store's installed modules.


  3. Click the plus sign beside Front Office Features to view the list of Front Office modules.


  4. The module we want to work in is the Stores block module. Click the Configure link under this module.


  5. In the Store block configuration page, click the Browse button to upload a new image. The image will be displayed on your website at 174 x 115 pixels. PrestaShop will resize images to fit those dimensions, so you may work with your image size on your local computer before uploading it so it isn't stretched either vertically or horizontally in PrestaShop. If found it easiest to make a copy of my original image and set the width of that copy at 115 pixels.


  6. Click the Save button to save your image change.

You can now view your updated image under the Our Stores block on your PrestaShop website.


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