In our previous article we introduced you to the concepts of taxes and tax rules in PrestaShop. In this article we'll walk through the steps of creating a new tax in PrestaShop. We'll move on to creating new tax rules in our next article.

  1. If you are not already logged into your PrestaShop back office, begin by logging in.
  2. Navigate to the Payment tab and click on the Taxes link.


  3. In the Taxes page, click on the Add new link.


  4. Type in the name for your new tax in the Name field. It's best practice to give your tax a meaningful name so that you will easily be able to distinguish between the different taxes when viewing the entire list of taxes. For example, if I wanted to create a new 5% tax for Virginia sales, I could name it something like Sales-tax US-VA 5%. This way I would know this tax is 5% and I will be using it for Virginia sales.
  5. In the Rate field, type in the percentage rate (without the percent sign) for your your tax.
  6. Select the radio button beside the check mark to enable your new tax and click the Save button.


  7. You will be returned to the list of taxes and see the notification Creation successful at the top of the page.

Now that we've created a new tax, we'll want to continue with the next step of creating and applying a tax rule to our new tax.

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