If you need to resize an image, there are many different programs that you can use.  For this example we are using GIMP, which is a free image editor.  Please read this article for information to assist in downloading and installing GIMP.

First, open GIMP and use File -> Open to open the image that you want to edit.  In this example, we will edit the logo for Web Hosting Hub.  When your image loads in GIMP, it will look similar to this:


Once your image is loaded, click on "Image" in the menu toolbar and then "Scale Image."  This will bring up the following screen:


Now you can re-size the image.  Currently, the image is 202 x 87.  If we want to make it smaller, we can change the width to 100.  By default, the height will automatically change to keep the image in proportion:


Click "Scale," and the image will be re-sized:


Once you are finished, click "File" then "Save," which will bring up the following box:


Click "Save" again, and now the image has been re-sized.

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n/a Points
2014-03-21 9:25 am

I am trying still to set up my website I haven't gotten very far so far, however I've come accross "Gimp" I have tried so May ways to download it onto myipad without no success. When I spoke to a customer service rep I was told I could set everything up on my I pad please send the correct link soi can do so .

thank youRobin Herrmann


2,342 Points
2014-03-21 2:36 pm
Gimp is not currently available on the iPad and would need to be run on your computer. There may be other pieces of software that will allow you to resize an image on an iPad, but we do not hae documentation on them, nor know how well they may work.
n/a Points
2014-07-14 11:55 pm
Tell me how to crop my image not resize it
17,314 Points
2014-07-15 12:05 am
Hello Dick Miller,

Cropping is a simple matter in GIMP. You will need to first select the area you wish to crop out with the marquee tool, then, you will need to Transform and CROP and it's done. You can also refer to Gimp's tutorial on using CROP.

Hope that helps!

Arnel C.

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