The vast majority of settings and features can be handled within your Joomla 3.0 administration section. However, at times, you may need to work directly with the database, such as troubleshooting. While many hosting accounts contain more than one database, so you will need to know exactly which database to work with. This article will demonstrate how to locate the database name your particular WordPress installation is working with.
Locating your Joomla 3.0 database name
- First, log into your cPanel cPanel dashboard.
- After you get into the cPanel, locate and enter the File Manager tool.
- Now that you are in the File Manager, you need to navigate to the root folder for your Joomla installation. Unless you are using a subfolder or subdomain, this will likely be your public_html folder.
- Within the the root folder, look for the file entitled configuration.php. Highlight the file name and click on the Edit button located in the upper toolbar.This will trigger an additional popup box. Click the Edit button on that box as well to open the file editor.
- Once in the editing tool you will see a long list of settings used in your Joomla 3.0 application. Look for a setting similar to the one listed below:
public $db = 'userna5_joom315';
The database name (in quotes) consists of two parts. Using the code above as an example, the first part is the cPanel username (userna5) and the second portion is the actual database name (joom315).
- Be sure to record the database name in a secure location for when you need to manage or edit your database via phpMyAdmin.
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