If you are moving your website from a different host, if that other host also used cPanel it will make the process much easier.  To complete the move you would need to make a cPanel backup at your old host, upload the backup into your account with Web Hosting Hub, and then request our support team to restore the backup for you.

Moving your website using a cPanel Backup:

  1. Generate a cPanel Backup: First, you will need to generate a full cPanel Backup at your prior hosting company.
  2. Download your cPanel Backup: After you have generated a backup, download the backup file to your desktop using FTP or from the download link within your prior host's cPanel.
  3. Upload your cPanel Backup to your Web Hosting Hub account: Using FTP, upload the cPanel backup to the /home directory in your Web Hosting Hub account.
  4. Request for your cPanel Backup to be restored: After you have uploaded your Backup, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request that we restore this backup for you onto your account (be sure to let us know where you uploaded the backup to). Also include for verification purposes either your original cPanel account password or the last four digits of the current credit card that we have on your account.
  5. Test your Website:  After we have restored your cPanel backup, use the Temporary URL provided in your Welcome Email to test the website.
  6. Point your Domain:  After you've tested your website, you will now modify the DNS settings of your domain to point to our servers.  You can do this by logging into the registrar for the domain and changing the nameservers to:
    ns1.webhostinghub.com and ns2.webhostinghub.com

    For more information on updating your namservers, see our full article.

  7. Test your Website Again:  DNS changes can take 4 to 24 hours to take full effect or propagate, so be sure to check your site periodically so you can test the website again once the nameserver changes have taken full effect.

If you have any questions, our tech support is available 24/7 and they will be happy to assist you.

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2013-04-10 12:52 am
Does "upload the cPanel backup to your Web Hosting Hub account" mean uploading to the public html folder?
12,339 Points
2013-04-10 4:52 pm
Hello sanderh,

Thank you for your question. You can upload it to any location on your account, as long as you let us know where it is located when you email support(step 4).

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,

n/a Points
2016-09-26 11:08 pm

I have 2 Concrete5 sites to move from Hostmonster to WebHosting.  My old host says that when I do a full cpanel backup it backs up emails as well as everything else.

I already have emails set up through webhost which I use every day.  If you restore my cpanel backup from my old host, will it wipe out my current emails and current website that I already have with webhosting?

1,348 Points
2016-09-27 6:14 pm
No, a backup will not wipe out the emails. They will remain on the old host's server. However, if you point your email to our server, then you will start receiving new mail here. Eventually, you can consider transferring your old messages.
n/a Points
2017-01-04 5:32 am

Very new to all of this.  My question: is moving my site to Webhostinghub through this process different than tranfering a domain?

In my case, I have a website hosted by a different host.  I want to move that website to a different domain I have registered and associated with a site hosted by Webhostinghub. 

Is this the right process to follow to make this switch?

17,314 Points
2017-01-04 7:12 pm
Hello Jermaine,

Thanks for your question about moving your website. The short answer is, yes, it is different. This is a little confusing but can be easily clarified once you understand the basic parts of a website and what you have to move.

First, when you set up a website it requires two things: 1) a web server - usually provided by a hosting service such as Web Hosting Hub, and 2) a domain name - normally registered a domain registrar. The domain name can be used at any web hosting service as long as it is "pointed" to that service. In some cases, such as Web Hosting Hub, the hosting service also provides a domain registration service. Also, remember that your website FILES are located on the web server.

So, knowing this information, if you want to move your website to another hosting service, you can do so by simply moving the files to that service. The domain NAME would need to be pointed to the hosting service. This is done by changing the name servers or by using an A record in the DNS to point to the IP address of the web hosting server. It's much easier to simply change the nameservers. Please be aware that making any change in DNS (including the nameservers), then it may take up to 24 hours of domain propagation before the changes are recognized on the internet.

If you want to move your website to Web Hosting Hub, it is definitely possible as a Web Hosting Hub account can support multiple websites. Check out How to Migrate your site Web Hosting Hub.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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