While installing WordPress with the Sofataculous installer tool, a database name is automatically created. When performing tasks such as troubleshooting or moving the database, you may need to know the exact name of your Wordpress installation. This tutorial will demonstrate how to locate the database name for your WordPress installation in case you need to access it directly.

Finding your WordPress installation's database name

  1. First, you will need to log into your cPanel account.
  2. Next, you will need to open and enter the File Manager tool.
  3. From within the File Manager, you will need to navigate to the root folder for your WordPress installation. For example, if you are using your main domain, the root folder will be public_html. If you are using a domain name, then it will be under public_html/domainname (If, for instance, example.com is an addon domain, you will need to fin the public_html/example.com folder)
  4. Once in the root folder for your application, you will see many files. The find the wp-config.php file. Highlight the file and then click on the Edit button found in the toolbar across the top of the screen. A popup will appear on the screen, click the Edit button there as well.
  5. Once in the editor, you will see a lot of code regarding WordPress. Around line 19, you will see the code for the database name. It looks similar to the example code below:
    define('DB_NAME', 'userna5_wpres1');
    The database name parameter is composed of two parts. In our example userna5_wpres1, the first part is the cpanel username (userna5), and the second part is the actual database name (_wpres1)
  6. Write down your database name in a secure location so you can remember it when you need to access it using the phpMyAdmin tool.


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