Section 1: Setting the Category or Tag URL Base
Each category and tag URL base can be set in the Permalinks section of the WordPress Administrator. This tutorial walks you through how to set them up.
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Section 2: How to Delete Tags in WordPress
There may be a point where you need to remove tags from your WordPress site. This tutorial explains how to delete one or more tags using the WordPress interface.
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Section 3: How to Manage Tags in WordPress
Shows how to use search, quick edit, and edit functions in the WordPress Administrator to manage tags.
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Section 4: Understanding Tags and how to add them in a WordPress Post
Tags are used to identify and organize WordPress post content in a WordPress site. They both help content to be found and help people to understand the context of a blog's content when used appropriately. Use the following article to understand how to use Posts in WordPress
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Section 5: Changing your WordPress Language and Time Zone
By default, WordPress is installed in English with the US Eastern Timezone. You can change these settings if needed to reflect your language and Timezone.
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Section 6: Managing Comments made on your Blog Posts
When you make a blog post, your visitors will be able to place comments under your post. You can remove comments, require registration to comment, or block all comments from your website.
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Section 7: Manage Comments for a WordPress Post or Page
In this tutorial we will show you how to enable or disable comments on a WordPress Post or Page you previously published.
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Section 8: How to set up Permalinks
Each post you create will automatically generate a URL link. You can change the URL link to have the date the post was made, or a number showing how many posts you have made.
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Section 9: How to Change Your WordPress Site Title or Tagline
Your Site Title and Tagline are set up when you install WordPress. You can edit this any time you want through your WordPress dashboard.
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Section 10: How to change your header in Wordpress
The graphic that heads your Wordpress page can often be the most significant image because it is the first image that a visitor will see. The following article explains how to quickly make a change header banner or graphic.
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Section 11: How to enable the Kitchen Sink in Wordpress posts
Clicking on the kitchen sink option when editing a Wordpress post adds another 13 options for formatting or editing that would normally remain unseen.
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Section 12: Overview: Using the Appearance Menu in Wordpress
Wordpress menus include an option for Appearance which can be used for general as well as specific interface changes in Wordpress. The following article gives you a general overview of the options available to you in the Wordpress Appearance menu.
Hits: 2,052
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