Section 1: Using WordPress MS
Before getting started with WordPress MS, first we will explain what it is and how it can help your website.
Hits: 2,896
Section 2: How to Install WordPress MS
If you have decided to install WordPress MS, here are the steps for a successful installation.
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Section 3: How to login to the Network Admin in a Wordpress MS Installation
The administration backend for a multi-site Wordpress install is a little different from the typical Wordpress Administration page. The following article shows the difference betwween the Network Admin and the normal Admin dashboard, and shows how to navigate to the Network Admin interface.
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Section 4: Changing Themes using the Wordpress MS Admin
Wordpress allows you to install it in both a single and multiuser(network) configuration. One of the basic changes is changing the theme. The following article walks you through how to change themes in Mulit-user Wordpress installations.
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Section 5: Adding Users to a Wordpress MS Installation
Setting up a new user for a Wordpress MS installation is not quite the same as what you will see for typical Wordpress installation. The Wordpress network admin for the Wordpress MS installation has a slightly different interface. The following article explains how to add a user in a Wordpress MS install.
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Section 6: Changing the Upload Space Quota in a Wordpress MS site
A Wordpress MS site can be set to limit its upload quota in order to conserve hard drive space. The following article explains where to find and how to change this setting in the Wordpress MS Network Admin settings.
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Section 7: Set the Mail Server Settings for a Wordpress MS Site
Each Wordpress MS site can have it's own individual settings for email. This allows for having multiple administrators who may each have different email settings. The following article explains how to find make changes to these settings.
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Section 8: Wordpress MS: Archiving vs. Deactivating Sites
When a Wordpress MS site reaches its of end of life and must be removed, the Network Admin provided by Wordpress gives you two options: Archiving and Deactivating the website. The following article explains the difference between each option and how to find and use them.
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Section 9: How to set max upload size in Network Admin for Wordpress MS
The file size allowed for a single file upload can be set in the Network Admin interface. This setting must changed in order to allow for larger file uploads. The following article explains how to make changes to the setting using the Network Admin for a Wordpress MS installation.
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Section 10: Limiting User Email Registration in Wordpress MS Installation
In some cases you may want limit or prevent particular email registrations for your Wordpress MS installation. The following article explains how make changes to these settings within the Network Admin for a Wordpress MS site.
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Section 11: How to disable a Wordrpess MS site using the Spam setting
Using the Wordpress Multisite option can often lead to many Wordpress sites that may be nothing more than spam. This can be easily rectified using the spam option in the Network Admin settings. The following article explains how to set this option and how it will appear when it is set.
Hits: 945
Section 12: How to Set User Registration Options in a Wordpress MS installation
Like any Wordpress site, Wordpress MS installations can allow new user registration. The following article explains how to find and use the registration options in the Network Admin interface.
Hits: 1,140
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