Wordpress is one of the most customized softwares used on the web, and the thousands of themes and options that are available sometimes make it a little bewildering for the beginning user.  To help sort out these problems, we will try to spotlight some of the better plugins to help you use Wordpress.  WooDojo from Woothemes.com is a suite of tools that will help you modify and organize your Wordpress site.  The following article quickly reviews the features available in the WooDojo plugin that are included by default. 

Using WooDojo from Woothemes.com

In order to load the WooDojo plugin, you will need to go to their Web page, download the file and then install the package.  The following steps summarize the proces.

Obtaining the Plugin File:

  1. Open your favorite web browser and then go to the Woothemes.com homepage.
  2. Register to create a free account.
  3. registered-userAfter you have registered, you'll see Dashboard screen for your account in WooThemes.  Scroll to the top of the screen and click on PLUGINS.
  4. Click on WOODOJO when it appears in the list.
  5. Download page for WooDojoIf you want to see a quick summary of what WooDojo offers then click on the video.  Otherwise, click on the green button labeled DOWNLOAD WOODOJO FOR FREE. You will be asked to download the WOODOJO.ZIPfile.  Make sure that you save it in a place that you remember. 

Add the Plugin into the Wordpress Admin:

  1. Login to your Wordpress Admin.
  2. On the lefthand side of the interface, click on PLUGINS.
  3. Click on ADD NEW at the top of the Plugins Screen.
  4. Then near the top of the screen, look for UPLOAD.
  5. Wordpress will be looking for a ZIP file for the plugin.  Click on CHOOSE FILE to upload the WOODOJO.ZIP file.
  6. Click on INSTALL NOW after the file has been uploaded.

When the plugin is installed, you will see an added menu option for WooDojo. Simply click on the option you want to use in order to activate it.  Here's a screenshot showing where WooDojo is added:

Screenshot of WooDojo installed

WooDojo requires that you have a registered account, but it is free for many of its bundled features.  Here is a summary of the features available for free:

  •  HTML Term Description
  • Tab Grouping
  • Social Widgets
  • Tabs
  • Custom Code
  • Shortlinks
  • Login Branding Widget Preview

As the software matures, there are also improvements and further add-ons that you can download an activate.  WooDojo's model allows you manage the plogins easily, and provide more functionality that you'll find in the default software.  Try it out and see if it fits your Wordpress needs!

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