advanced-registration-4We just showed you how to allow visitors to register on your Concrete5 website. In this informative guide we will cover the advanced public registration options available on Concrete5, which provide a further level of control of how and who can register. 

How to Work with the Advanced Public Registration Options:

  1. Login to your Concrete5 Dashboard.
  2. Roll your mouse over the Dashboard button and choose System & Settings.
  3. Under the Login & Registration section choose Public Registration.

    You will see an Options section and several choices:

    Send email when a user registers  This option will send an email notification when a new person registers on your website.
    Email address  The email address entered here is where the notification will be sent.
    CAPTCHA required  Computer programs or bots are sometimes created to attempt to gain access to websites, CAPTCHA is a helpful tool that tries to confirm a real person is creating an account for your website, rather than a computer. CAPTCHA requires someone registering on your website to type the letters they see in an image that is displayed, which is a difficult task for a non-human.
    Enable OpenID  OpenID is a universal login protocol which works with many different websites and software suites, and simplifies the registration process. OpenID allows users to login with existing accounts such as facebook, yahoo, or google instead of requiring them to create new accounts with you.
    Use emails for login   This will require users to use their email address as a username instead of a username that is setup when they register.
    You will see a notification stating "Registration settings have been saved." Congratulations, now you know how to work with the advanced public registration options in Concrete5.

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