logged-into-the-concrete5-dashboardThank you for joining us on our next guide in our Getting started with Concrete5 series.  After installing Concrete5, the next thing you should learn is how to login to your Administrative Dashboard.

This guide explains the process of logging into the Admin dashboard for concrete5. It allows you to access the back-end of your concrete5 hosting site, where you can edit and create the site content.

Logging into your Concrete5 Dashboard

  1. In a browser, visit your concrete website.
    Example: http://yourdomain.com
  2. At the end of your website URL, add /index.php/login

    Example: http://yourdomain.com/index.php/login
  3. When you navigate to this address, it will prompt you to sign in to Concrete 5. Enter the username (default username is admin) and the password that was setup during the installation. Check the remain logged in to website option if you would like to stay logged in, and select Sign In.

Congratulations, you are now logged into your Concrete5 Admin Dashboard! You should see a toolbar now located at the top of the page (see the screenshot at the beginning of this article). In the next guide we will show you how to reset your password in Concrete5.

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n/a Points
2017-11-05 2:50 am
it was everything I needed. Thanks
n/a Points
2018-04-09 3:08 pm

Good Day,

I have downloaded and installed WAMP for Windows 7 under C:

I have downloaded and unzipped concrete5.

Specifically, under which WAMP directory do I copy concrete to?

Regards, Brian

12,339 Points
2018-04-09 3:59 pm
Often, you would create a folder in the 'C:\wamp\www\' directory. Here is a link to the official Concrete5 guide, it is still helpful even though it has not been updated lately.

Thank you,
n/a Points
2018-07-02 1:05 pm

i am installing concerte5.. but after the instalation there is no login in localhost.... 


116 Points
2018-07-02 6:54 pm
What error are you getting>

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