In the previous tutorial in our Getting started with Conrete5 series we guided you through logging into your Concrete5 Dashboard. We will now cover resetting your password if you have forgotten, or lost it.

Typically, to reset your password, just  navigate to your login page for Concrete5, then under the forgot your password section enter your email address and select reset and email password, which sends a password reset email.  In this tutorial we will guide you through resetting your password in Concrete5, if you don't remember or no longer have access to the admin email address.

Resetting Your Password:

  1. First, Login to your cPanel
  2. In your cPanel, navigate to the section titled Databases, and select the phpMYADMIN button.
    reset password2

  3. On the left of the phpMyAdmin page, select the database associated with Concrete5, in my example the database name is _concrete5.
    reset password4

  4. On the left side of the screen, scroll down and select Users.
    reset password6

  5. On the right it will list all users under the uName column, select Edit to the left of the username. In this example my username is admin.
    reset password9

  6. To the right of uEmail, you can view and update the email address listed. Be sure to use an email address you have access to, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Go (there will be 2, select either one).

    reset password16
  7. Now navigate back to your login page for Concrete5.  Under the forgot your password section enter your updated email address, and select reset and email password.  You will then be sent an email with the subject: Forgot Password, with a link to allow password reset.  The link will bring up the password reset page, enter the new password twice, and select sign in
  8. reset password15

    Congratulations, you have successfully reset your Concrete5 password, you are now logged in! In the next guide we will show you how to view your full sitemap in Concrete5.

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n/a Points
2017-11-17 8:04 am

I've done the quick install, accessed it last night and now my password doesn't work, changed the pw in phpmyadmin, no success, and there is no "concrete5" folder there.


What do I do?

17,314 Points
2017-11-17 8:05 pm
Hello CJ,

Sorry for the problem with getting into your Concrete 5 installation. If you did a quick install using Softaculous, then you can log into Softaculous to find out where your installation is located. Otherwise, you will need to use the cPanel File Manager or an FTP client to look at the files on your web server. Concrete 5 also provides an article for changing the admin password that should help.

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