concrete5-homepageThis is the first guide in our getting started in Concrete5 tutorial series, we will walk you through the manual installation steps for Concrete5 on your web hosting account. Concrete 5 is an open source content management system (CMS) developed using PHP. Installing this software allows you to easily design and maintain your website.

If you are looking for the easiest installation process possible, I recommend using Softaculous instead.

Concrete5 Installation Steps:

  1. Download Concrete5

    Go to the official Concrete5 website, click the download link at the top of that page, and then click the download link under the Latest Stable Version heading. For this guide we downloaded, which is version
  2. Uncompress and Upload Concrete5

    On your local computer, uncompress the file you downloaded in step 1 (so in our case, we unzipped Using FTP, upload the files to the main folder where you want Concrete5 to be located.

    For example, if you're installing Concrete5 for your main domain, upload the files to public_html. If you're installing it onto an addon domain, you may need to upload the files to public_html/
  3. Configure a Database

    Use the MySQL database wizard in cPanel to create the database, database user, and add the user to the database. Be sure to write down the database name, username, and password you created as we will use this later in this tutorial.
  4. Access the Concrete5 installer

    In your browser navigate to:

    For example, if you installed Concrete5 to, you would navigate to
  5. Fill out the Installation Details
    Site Information Under site information, enter the name of your new site.
    Administrator Information Under administrator information enter your email address and a password twice. Be sure to save this password, as it will be needed to login to the dashboard.
    Database Information In the database information fields, enter localhost for the Server name. Enter the MySQL Username, MySQL Password, and Database name that you setup earlier in this tutorial.
    Sample Content Choose if you want it to load sample content, or leave the installation blank. If this is your first time using Concrete5, we recommend that you install the Sample Content, as it will help you familiarize yourself with how the software works.

    Click install Concrete5 on the bottom of the page.

Congratulations, you have just installed Concrete5! You will see a confirmation message and a link to your new website. The next thing we suggest is that you learn how to log into your Concrete5 dashboard.
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