In the previous tutorial we guided you in performing a database backup, in this tutorial we will show you how to update Concrete5. This is an important part of using a content management systems (cms), as it includes bug fixes that can prevent your Concrete5 website from being compromised. It can also fix or add functionality to parts of your Concrete5 software. Concrete5 simplifies this process by allowing you to update from the Concrete5 Dashboard.

Updating Concrete5:

  1. I recommend performing a database backup first, so you can restore your website if you run into any problems.
  2. Check for available updates in the concrete5 Dashboard

    If there is a new version, you will see it listed under Available Update
  3. Click the blue Download button to the right of the available update. 
    check for updates3

  4. After the file is downloaded, it will bring up an Install Local Update menu. Click the blue Update button.
    check for updates6

  5. Upon completion, you will receive an upgrade complete message, click the Back to Home button to return to your main dashboard page.
    check for updates7

    Congratulations, now you can successfully update your Conceret5 cms software. The next guide in our Getting Started with Concrete5 series will cover updating Concrete5 Add-ons.

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