Softaculous Email Notifications

Application developers update their programs to address many issues. When you install programs with Softaculous, it is possible to have an email notification sent to you when an update becomes available. Backups, installations, installation modifications and cloning events may also generate email notifications through Softaculous. The following tutorial explains where you can find and set the email notification settings within Softaculous.

Why should I keep updating my applications?

Security updates and bug fixes are part of software updates. Software updates can also include improvements to the application. These are the primary reasons that you should keep your software up-to-date.

Email Settings: Modifying the Email Notification Address

The email notification address is the email address used by Softaculous for any notification email that is sent. Occasionally, this email address may need to change.

  1. Login to the cPanel
  2. Go to Software and click on the Softaculous icon.
  3. Click on Email Settings (Email Settings button) in the Softaculous menu bar at the top of the screen

  4. Edit the Email Address to receive email notifications
  5. Click Edit Email Settings at the bottom of the page in order to save changes

Other Email Notifications from Softaculous

The Email Settings section includes the option to enable the five other email notifications. It also includes the email address used for notifiations and the option to disable all update email notifications.

  1. Login to the cPanel
  2. Go to Software/Services and click on the Softaculous icon
  3. Click on Email Settings in the Softaculous menu bar at the top of the screen
  4. Click on the field to edit the email address used for email notifications
  5. The following table describes the five other email notifications available through Softaculous:

    Email Notification Description
    Installation Emails Email contains setup details when a new software is installed using Softaculous
    Remove Installations Email is sent when a software is uninstalled using Softaculous
    Edit Installations An email is sent whenever the details of an installation are modified
    Backup Emails An email is sent with backup details when you backup any installation with Softaculous
    Clone Emails An email is sent containing installation details when you clone an installation with Softaculous
    Staging Emails An email is sent containing installation details when you create a staging site
    Import Emails An email is sent containing installation details for an imported site
    Disable All Update Notifications Check to disable all email notifications to the email address at the top of the page
    Email password in plain text Check to receive emails in plain-text format instead of HTML (for improved security)

    Specify your notification settings

  6. When you have selected the email notifications you want to use, click on Edit Email Settings, to save your selections.

How to Disable ALL Email Notifications sent by Softaculous

There may be a time when you need to stop all email notifications provided by Softaculous. This option is provided in the Email Settings through a single checkbox.

  1. Login to the cPanel
  2. Go to Software and click on the Softaculous icon
  3. Click on Email Settings in the Softaculous menu bar at the top of the screen
  4. Scroll down until you get the line that reads Disable All Update Notifications Emails. When you click on the checkbox it will disable ALL of the email notifications for all installations made by Softaculous. If the box is already checked, then uncheck the box in order to enable the notifications.
  5. Click on the Edit Email Settings button to save changes
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