By default, in Horde Webmail any messages deleted will be marked but not moved to the Trash. This means that when an email is marked as deleted it continues taking up space.  It will also remain in your inbox which makes it harder to find the emails you need.  You can modify this setting so that deleted messages are placed in the Trash automatically.

  1. Log into your Horde Webmail
  2. Roll your mouse over the round cog, then Preferences. Click the Mail option.
  3. Click the Deleting and Moving Message link
  4. Check the box for Move deleted messages to your Trash mailbox instead of marking them as deleted in the current mailbox?
  5. Click the Save button.

Now any mail that you delete from your inbox will automatically go to your Trash folder. You can then click the Empty Trash icon to permanently delete the emails.

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2018-05-30 4:31 pm

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2018-05-31 1:28 am
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