On Web Hosting Hub servers, there is a limit per email message of 50 recipients. This recipient limit is the total number of recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. For example, if you have 25 recipients in your To field, you can only place another 25 recipients total in both the Cc and Bcc fields.

Also, for us to whitelist domains and heNot sure why unpublishedlp prevent spam, we recommend customers sending more than 250 emails per hour submit an email limit exception via Account Management Panel (AMP). Please keep in mind, that even with an Email Limit Exception, the limit of 50 recipients per email.

This may not be necessary if your mailing distribution program includes rate-limiting. We recommend you install PHPList which include rate-limiting.

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n/a Points
2015-10-30 10:14 pm


I am not using Phplist, but a plugin Email post to subscriber plugin, is this rate limit applies this plugin as well, secondly this number of 50 subscribers also applies to it as well.


12,339 Points
2015-10-31 12:26 am
Hello Muhammad,

Thank you for contacting us. Yes, it will apply to any emails sent from your server, including from plugins.

Thank you,
n/a Points
2018-04-28 11:35 pm

Does PHPList have a recipient limit for sending emails?

17,314 Points
2018-04-30 5:10 pm
Hello Melanie,

There are no limits to sending emails using phpLIst as far as we know. You can see some feedback on this question in this post with the phpList forums. You should know however, that as per the article above, there are limits that may be imposed by the host server. Sending out thousands of emails can get you blacklisted as a spammer.

n/a Points
2019-05-13 9:00 am

To be clear, does a message with 49 addresses in the bcc section count a 1 message or 50 with respect to the 250 mesasges per hour? I am setting up a user-subscribed notification list, where I have no direct control on the numbers, so I need to know what measures I need to take to limit the sending rate (I can't easily use PHPList, though I do have it set up).


536 Points
2019-05-13 8:28 pm
That would count as 50.

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