RoundCube is a well rounded webmail client. We've outlined below steps on updating several of the more common settings users want to change within Roundcube. For general information on changing these settings, please watch our, Editing Your Preferences in RoundCube support video.

The steps below require that you are already logged into Roundcube and clicked the "Settings" button at the top right of the page.

How do I change my time zone?

The time zone setting in Roundcube affects several views within the webmail client, such as the time indicated that your messages were received. Roundcube attempts to automatically select the correct timezone for you, however you can follow these steps to manually change the time zone:

  1. Click the Preferences Tab and ensure "User Interface" is selected in the right menu
  2. In the "Time zone" dropdown, select your preferred time zone
  3. Click "Save"

How do I change my profile name?

If you don't specify a name, email you send will be seen by others as coming from your email address. If you want others to instead see email coming from your name, such as "John Smith" instead of " This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ", follow these steps to configure this setting:

  1. Click the "Identities" tab
  2. Click your email address under "E-Mail" in the left column
  3. Enter your name as the "Display name"
  4. Click "Save"

How do I configure a signature?

If you type the same content at the end of every email, such as your name, email address, and phone number, you can save time by configuring this data as a signature. Email signatures are automatically added to the end of each email you send out.

  1. Click the "Identities" tab
  2. Click your email address under "E-Mail" in the left column
  3. Enter your desired signature in the "Signature" field. If you would like to format your text, such as adding bold text, check the box labeled "HTML signature"
  4. Click "Save"

How do I change the language Roundcube is displayed in?

If you need to display Roundcube in another language other than English, you can easily do so.

  1. Ensure you are on the Preferences tab, and "User Interface" is selected under Section.
  2. Select your desired language from the "Language" dropdown
  3. Click "Save"
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