Roundcube is one of the default webmail clients that come with your Web Hosting Hub account. A very common question is how to use an HTML signature. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of creating and using an HTML signature. Please be aware that even though you may have set Roundcube to use an HTML signature, the reader of your email must be viewing your email using HTML in order to view any HTML-based formatting such as fonts, colors or images.

  1. Login to Webmail - select and launch the Roundcube webmail client.
  2. Roundcube identities

    In order to add an HTML signature, you need to edit an Identity within Roundcube. Click on SETTINGS in the top right hand corner, then click on IDENTITIES.

  3. Roundcube identity info

    (Optional) There is usually a default identity already in place, but you can also create a new one by clicking on the plus sign at the bottom of the identities column. If you are creating a new identity, then fill in the information for that identity and make sure it's correct.

  4. set default identity

    If you want to use this identity, make sure you click on SET DEFAULT.

  5. Select HTML Signature

    Next, click on HTML Signature in order to add the HTML tool bar in the Signature input field.

  6. Add signature text

    Add your text, formatting and graphics in the signature field. If you are adding a graphic, remember that graphic must accessible through the internet.

  7. Click on HTML to add HTML code

    In order to add HTML, click on HTML in the tool bar of the editor, then add your code. Graphics used in your HTML signature will require HTML code that links to the graphic. Graphics can be added with simple HTML code linking to the image like:

    <img="" width="100" alt="Image HTML code" />

  8. Click on UPDATE to save your HTML code.
  9. Save HTML Signature

    Preview your HTML signature and make sure it appears the way you want it, then click on SAVE to save your signature.

Using the HTML Signature in Roundcube

In order to use the signature with the Roundcube Webmail client, make sure that your COMPOSING MESSAGES option is set to ALWAYS for composing in HTML.

To make this setting:

  1. Click on SETTINGS
  2. Click on PREFERENCES
  4. Click on Always for the Compose HTML messages
  5. Click SAVE to save your preferences.

NOTE: If you use HTML for composing your emails, but your email recipient is NOT viewing HTML in their email client emails, then they will not see your HTML signature or any formatting that you have added to your email using HTML.

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