Additional categories and subcategories help you to better organize the products that your E-commerce website offers. In this tutorial we will show you how to create new categories and subcategories, from the osCommerce Admin Panel.

Add a New Category:

  1. Login to the Admin Panel for osCommerce.
  2. Click the +Catalog button on the left side.
  3. Select the Categories/Products link under the Catalog menu.
  4. Select the +New Category button.
    Several fields will show up to the right:
    adding a new category
    Category Name: Enter a name for your category here, such as Books, or New Products. In the image above, you will see the existing categories: Hardware, Software, DVD Movies, and Gadgets.
    Category Image Click the browse button to upload an image to display for this category. This is not required to create a new category.
    Sort Order You can enter a number here to organize your list. The lowest number will display on the top of the Categories / Products list.

    After making your selections click the Save button that is below the fields. It will then list your new category under the Categories / Products section.
    new category showing listed

  5.  Add a New Sub Category:
    A sub-category is a category within a category, for example: Hardware is my category, and inside that category are the subcategories: CDROM DRIVES, Graphics Cards, Keyboards.

  6. Click the Folder Image to the right of the category you want to create a subcategory of.
    adding a sub-category
  7. Select the +New Category button.

    Several fields will show up to the right, select your options:

    Category Name: Enter a name for your sub-category here.
    Category Image Click the Browse button to upload an image to display for this sub category. This is not required to create a new sub-category.
    Sort Order You can enter a number here to organize your list. The lowest number will display on the top of the Categories / Products list.

    After making your selections click the Save button that is below the fields. You will now see your new sub-category listed under Categories / Products, and in your e-commerce store.
    new listing of sub-category in store


Congratulations, now you are able to create new categories and subcategories in your osCommerce e-store! In the next tutorial in our osCommerce Educational series will cover 

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