available-optionsIn this tutorial we will show you how to add customized Product Attributes in osCommerce. Product Attributes allow you to provide additional options to a product, for instance if you are selling hats, instead of adding an individual product for each hat color, just display the hat once, and allow them to select which color they would prefer from a list.

You can also set a different price based on the attribute, for example a blue hat may cost $5.00 more, while a red had can be $5.00 less. OsCommerce makes it easy and convenient by also allowing you to set this up from the admin panel section. 

How to Add a Product Attribute:

  1. Login to your osCommerce Admin Panel.
  2. Click the Catalog button on the left.
  3. Under the Catalog menu select the Products Attributes option.
  4. Under the Product Options menu, enter the name of the new attribute in the blank field, then click the +Insert button to the right. In my tests I am adding a Color option.
    adding a product attribute oscommerce
    You will now see the new option listed under the Product Options menu.
  5. Beneath the Option Values menu choose your new option from the drop-down box in the Option Name column.
    oscommerce selecting option values
  6. Enter the Values in the field to the right of the Option Name and select the +Insert button. In my tests I am adding the colors blue and red.
    oscommerce adding the option value
  7. Under the Products Attributes menu, if your item is not listed select it from the drop-down box under Product Name. In my test I am choosing Hat.
  8. Under the Option Name column select your Product Option. In my tests i selected Color.
  9. Under the Option Value column make your selection. In my test I clicked Blue.
  10. In the Value Price field enter the price difference, as an example if this product option costs 5 more dollars, enter 5 in the field and a + symbol in the Prefix field.
  11. Click the +Insert button to save your changes. Repeat Steps 7-11 for each attribute you want to add. Now when you view the product in your osCommerce internet store you will be able to choose from the newly added options.

    Congratulations, now you know how to add customized Product Attributes to your osCommerce eshop!
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n/a Points
2014-09-19 12:56 pm



I am using latest version of oscommerce.i have added some product attributes  in dropdownmenu and want to add some more attributes in 'Radio button'.So suggest me what i would need to do to add Radiobutton for attribute in Oscommercee?



16,266 Points
2014-09-19 3:40 pm
Hello Ashish,

The default behavior is to create a dropdown list. You will need an addon in order to produce the radio button option.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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