In this guide we will show you the admin area after a sale is completed in an osCommerce website. This will help you better understand the administrator experience when hosting an osCommerce online store.

As a test we made a purchase from my eshop, we will now go through the Administration panel so you will know what to expect.

Viewing Orders:

  1. Login to the Admin panel for osCommerce.
  2. Select the Customers button, then Orders. You will see all of your orders listed including the customer's name, the order total, date purchased, and the status of the order.
    viewing completed orders in the admin panel
    If you select the order, there will be several options on the right:
    Edit This option lets you view the order information, and change the Status of the order.
    Delete This lets you cancel the order, and remove the record of this sale.
    Invoice You can view the invoice which lists Sold to & Ship to information, as well as payment method, the product purchased and price information.
    Packing Slip You can view the packing slip with this option, which includes SOLD TO, and SHIP TO information, Payment Method, and Product information.
    If you are processing the orders, I recommend printing the Packing Slips to include with the product .

Viewing Customers:

  1. Login to the Admin panel for osCommerce.
  2. Click the Customers button from the navigation menu, then select the Customers option underneath. You will you will see a list of people who signed up as customers.
    list of customers in admin panel
    If you select a user, there will be several options to the right:
    Edit This button lets you view or change the customer's contact information.
    Delete You can remove this customer with this button.

    You will see a list of this customer's orders with this option.

    Email This allows you to send an email to this customer.

Congratulations, now you are more familiar with what you will experience as an Administrator, of an osCommerce eshop! The next class in our osCommerce Education channel will cover Modifying the Look & Style of your eshop.

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