If you are running a business these days, it often a requirement to have a website presence that will promote your business and provide the option to sell your products or services online. The websites that specialize in sales are called e-commerce websites. The following tutorial will explain how to quickly create a basic e-commerce website using PrestaShop.

Creating an E-commerce Website with PrestaShop 1.5

  1. Install PrestaShop using Softaculous to make the install process quick and easy.
  2. After you finish the installation of PrestaShop, you will find that you have an operational e-commerce website, but the remaining tasks are setting up the shop for your business. This includes uploading your logo and graphics, changing the site information, setting up your policies and procedures, and adding your categories and products. Setting up a working e-commerce website can be a lot of work. Do not be surprised with the complexity of setting up a large e-commerce store. Take your time, organize your setup tasks, and you'll find the process much less daunting. Let's start with adding a logo in PrestaShop.
  3. Once you have your logo set, you can then change the contact and about us information on the website
  4. Next you will need to setup your payment methods and necessary taxes. Working with taxes as a whole can be very complicated depending on your needs. Please review our tutorials for more information on using taxes in PrestaShop.
  5. Once your payment methods of been set, then you will want to think about how you would send the product to the customer. This mans that you need to set the shipping methods. The process will include adding available carriers, and then determining how to handle your shipping costs.
  6. And finally, to keep things simple, the last step in this process is setting up the categories and products that you will be selling to your customer. This includes the pricing and product options that you will providing to your customer.
  7. When all of these steps are complete, your next step would be to test the e-commerce site to make sure that everything appears correctly and that your checkout process is working.

Setting up a simple e-commerce site can be a simple task that requires only few steps if you are not changing everything. If you have need to import products, include custom modules, add more functionality or make changes to support foreign locations, then you will need to spend time with each issue to properly setup the ecommerce solution for each item. The more complex your website, the more time it will take to setup.

However, do not be discouraged by the process. You will find that the rewards of well-managed e-commerce website worth the time and effort. If you decide that PrestaShop version 1.5 is the solution for you, please make sure to reference our education channel for more information on the product. Otherwise, checkout all of the options available in Softaculous for eCommerce.

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n/a Points
2015-09-29 9:44 pm

To build an affiliate site is it required for this step?  Should I just move on to the next step?

1,198 Points
2015-09-30 5:33 am
Hello Richie,

I would suggest using something like WordPress or PrestaShop as they have affiliate plugins and modules.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens

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