Adding titles in PrestaShop allows you to create titular addresses that would normally be placed in front of a customer's name.  This can range per country or region, so you should base the available titles based on the region or customers that your shop is accommodating.  The following tutorial shows how to create,  titles that you create for you store. 

How to Create Customer Titles in PrestaShop 1.5

  1. Login to the Administrator Dashboard as an Administrator
  2. Go to the menu bar and hover over CUSTOMERS, then click on the drop-down menu and select TITLES at the bottom of the menu .  You will see the following screen (or something similar):


  3. In order to add a new Title, simply click on ADD NEW in the top right hand corner and this will bring up the screen to create the new title:


    Note that the name of the title will be based on the languages loaded into PrestaShop.  For every language that is loaded, you will need to fill in a separate title name.  Here's a quick summary of the fields above:

    Name Name of the title
    Type gender related to the title
    Image Image to represent the title (remember that these images are quite small, usually
    the same as icon dimensions 16 pixels wide by 16 pixels high);
    Image Width Image Width - in pixels; this forces the image file to this dimension
    Image Height Image Height - in pixels; this forces the image file to this dimension

    Adding an image is NOT required for the title, but if you use one, then the image formats used are typically JPG or PNG.  You can set preferences for images in Setting Image Preferences for PrestaShop 1.5.  When you have reached the IMAGE portion of creating the title, click on BROWSE in order to look for images to upload on your local computer. Note that the images are forced to the dimensions listed in the Image Width and Image Height.

  4. Once you have finished adding your image, select SAVE in the top right hand corner of the screen to save your entries

Creating titles can be quickly and easily done using the PrestaShop interface. Make sure to provide appropriate titles that cover your customers, so that they feel properly respected when signing into your shop.  Here's a copy of what a customer sees when choosing titles from the store interface:


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