If you want to delete a page in PrestaShop, you can easily do this within the CMS Tool in your PrestaShop back office. This tutorial will guide you through deleting one or more pages from your PrestaShop site.

  1. Begin by logging into your PrestaShop back office.
  2. Click on the Tools tab and select the CMS link under this tab.


  3. Scroll down the page until you see the list under the Pages in this category heading. 


  4. To delete a single page, click the trash can icon for that page.


  5. Select OK in the confirmation pop-up window


  6. To remove multiple pages, select the check box for each page you want to remove and then click the Delete selection button.


  7. Select OK in the confirmation pop-up window


Continue deleting any other pages you want to remove from your PrestaShop site. If you would like to create or edit pages, please see our tutorials on creating a page in PrestaShop or editing pages in PrestaShop.

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n/a Points
2014-06-10 2:56 pm

Hi.  I would like to remove a product from my shop as it is now discontinued but i would still like the page to be live if someone directly types in the URL or searches in Google for that specific product.  Is there a way the page can be removed from all navigation without actually deleting the page?


12,339 Points
2014-06-10 3:50 pm
Hello Matt,

Thank you for your question. Since there is no built-in way to hide out of stock products in PrestaShop, you would have to use a workaround. Such as the one explained in the guide How to automatically disable out of stock products in PrestaShop.

I found this suggestion in the official PrestaShop help forums.

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Thank you,


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