Logaholic is a program that allows you to track statistics for your website. These stats allow you to see things such as how many hits your site gets on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can use these stats to compare and see trends to help your site become more efficient.

When working with your site, it may be very important to you to track different statistics. For instance, knowing how many hits you get per day, week, or month can be helpful in planning promotions or changes for your business. Programs such as Logaholic allow you to see this type of information whenever you like.

Below we will guide you on how to install the Logaholic program onto your hosting account by using the Softaculous Installer tool.

How to install Softaculous

  1. Log into your cPanel dashboard.
  2. Click on the Softaculous icon located in the Software/Services category.
  3. Once you are on the Softaculous main page, find the Polls and Surveys category on the left hand menu and click on the expansion icon (gray arrow.) From there, click on the Logaholic link.
  4. The installation page displays in the right hand panel. Click on the Install button located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. You will be presented with an installation form. Fill out the form as needed:
    ProtocolUse http:// unless you specifically have purchased an SSL for your domain.
    Choose domainSelect the domain to which you want to add the logaholic.
    In DirectoryEnter the subfolder in which you want the logaholic to be installed. For example if you leave it as 'logaholic' then you should simply go to sampledomain.com/logaholic to access it.
    Database NameThe name of your logaholic database. Feel free to leave the default as it is randomly generated.
    Table PrefixUsually left as the default unless you have more than one installation, then you can give it another prefix.
    Admin UsernameLogin name for the admin account. It is not advised to leave it as 'admin.'
    Admin PasswordPassword for the admin account. Do not make it a password that is easy to guess.
    Real NameThe name you want the Admin to be known by.
    Admin emailThe email address where the program can contact the admin.
  6. After you have filled out the information, click on the Install button at the bottom of the page. Once the installation completes you will be given a success message.
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