If you are receiving lots of spam on your website email, BoxTrapper is generally considered the "last ditch" program to help eliminate spam.

How does BoxTrapper Work?

When someone sends you an email, BoxTrapper holds off on delivering the email to you until it can determine the email was sent by a real person and not a spammer. It does this by sending an email back to the sender of the email, and asks that they simply respond to the email to verify they are a real person. Most spam is sent by programs and not people, and most of those programs are not developed to reply to such emails. When BoxTrapper receives a response from its test email, it delivers the initial email to your inbox. There are options you can configure to allow email addresses to be whitelisted, meaning that they only need to go through this process with BoxTrapper once.

How do I configure BoxTrapper?

BoxTrapper can be enabled two ways: through the cPanel or through webmail.  To enable BoxTrapper for any accounts, simply log into your cPanel and select "BoxTrapper" under the Mail settings.  Once in the "BoxTrapper" section hit "enable" and Box Trapper will be active.  If you have an email user that wants to use BoxTrapper but does not have access to the cPanel, it can also be enabled at the bottom of the Webmail page.

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