When you export a database, you are creating a backup file of the database. This backup file is usually a .sql file (a text file), and can be used to copy and import the database onto another server. This tutorial will show you how to export your database.

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Scroll down to the databases section and then click on phpMyAdmin

    If you are not an Web Hosting Hub customer and do not use cPanel, please contact your hosting provider for more help.

  3. Select database to export Click on the database you are working with in the left menu
  4. Click on Export option Click Export in the tabs along the top of the screen.
  5. Export method The export option that we are providing instructions for is the Quick method. Click on the radial button for Quick. If you want more complete control, then click on Custom. You will need to be familiar with the exporting MySQL databases in order to use these options. If you are not, then please consult with an experienced database administrator or developer.
  6. Select the file format Next, you will need to click on the format of the export file. By default, it should be on SQL, so you don't need to change anything.
  7. Click on go Click on the Go button in order to perform the export.
  8. You will be prompted to either open or save the file. Please select the option to save the file and then save the somewhere you'll remember (such as directly on your desktop).

Congratulations, you have just exported a copy of your database!

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n/a Points
2015-01-30 5:57 am

This article is slightly out dated in terms of what is shown on the export screen today.

12,339 Points
2015-02-02 9:50 pm
Hello dsksol5,

Thank you for letting us know. We will review this article, and update it as soon as possible.

Thank you,

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