When working with data and databases on your website, you will likely need to understand how the script talks to the database. At important times such as debugging, you may need to know the data type of the column in the database. This information is not readily available via the php code. You will need to find this out by using the phpMyAdmin tool in the cPanel. Follow along below as we discuss how to determine a column's data type in the phpMyAdmin tool.

How to find the data type for columns in phpMyAdmin

  1. First, log into the cPanel interface.
  2. click phpmyadmin toolLook through the categories on the right hand panel and find the Database category and click on the phpMyAdmin
  3. click on databaseFrom the phpMyAdmin main page, look to the left to find the database you want to work with. Click on the database name.
  4. click on structure linkThe right hand panel will now display the different tables within the database. Find the table that you want to work with and click the Structure link next to it. In our example, we are looking at the wp_users table.
  5. find data typeA list of the table columns will display. The details of each column are shown in rows. The second column of each row details the data type of the column.
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