While WordPress comes with hundreds of themes available to be automatically installed through the Dashboard, if you can not find the perfect one for your website you can also use themes from other websites.  There are literally thousands of themes available online, to help you get started below we have outlined how to find more WordPress themes.  If you wish to return to the previous course, please go to Installing a Theme through the Wordpress Dashboard.

What types of themes are available online?

There are two main types of themes available:  free and paid.  First, we recommend checking the free themes - no reason to pay for a theme if you find one that you like for free.  Many free themes will have a line at the bottom of your theme giving credit to the person that made it, but beyond that you can fully customize them.  If you purchase a theme, some sites will sell a theme by itself while at other sites you will pay a yearly fee to have full access to their themes. 

Where do I find themes online?

There are many sites online that offer themes, a quick google search reveals thousands of results.  To help you get started, below we have outlined some of the more popular theme sites.

These sites are not affiliated with Web Hosting Hub but are commonly used by WordPress owners.

Free Themes

Paid Themes

Once you have downloaded the theme you want to use, continue on to our next page for assistance manually installing your theme.  If you would prefer to review the list of courses for the class, please go to 103: Installing a Theme.

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n/a Points
2016-09-14 2:52 am

I installed the free Wave theme on by blogsite, richlyaged.com and it worked but the image in the Wave sampledidn'tcomewith it.  How do II get that image?



17,314 Points
2016-09-14 10:02 pm
Hello Dixie,

Sorry about the problem with the Wave theme. I actually looked for the Wave theme in Wordpress and couldn't find it in the WordPress themes section. If you have received a theme from a third party, then you will need to contact the theme developer for any default images you are seeing and want to use in your site.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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