OpenCart is installed with a variety of shipping solutions, but for the most part, they are not enabled.  You will need to log-in the Administrator Dashboard, determine the shipper/carrier that you want provide as an option for your customers and then setup the shipping option accordingly.  One of the more popular options is the United Parcel Service or UPS.  You will need to have an account in order to complete the process of setting up this carrier option.  The following tutorial explains how to enable the shipping option and configure it in Opencart 1.5.


Installing the UPS Shipping Option in OpenCart 1.5

  1. Login to the Administrator Dashboard
  2. Hover over the menu bar where it reads EXTENSIONS.  Click on SHIPPING when it appears in the drop-down menu. You will see the following screen or something similar (screenshot is from Opencart 1.54)

    shipping-main-selectionWhen you view the screenshot above, you can see that UPS is there, but is currently disabled.   In order to activate it, you first have to IN0TALL the shipping option.  To the far right of the table, you will see the ACTION column.  Click on INSTALL in order to begin the setup for the UPS shipping module0

  3. When the INSTALL process completes you will see two new options in the ACTIONS column for the UPS shipping option:  EDIT and UNINSTALL.  Click on EDIT and you will see the following:

    Note that the mandatory items (for the option to be saved after you change it) are the items marked with red asterisk:

    Access Key - XML rates access key is provided from UPS
    User Name - user name created when the UPS account was created
    Password - UPS account password
    Origin City, State/Province, Country - location information for origin of sender
    Dimensions - average size of package being shipped

  4. Starting from the top, select an option or fill in the value requested for the items to configure the UPS Shipping option. Ths table lists all of the options:

    Accesskey XML Rates access key provided by UPS
    UPS Services Account User name User Name provided with UPS Services account
    Password UPS Services Account Password
    Pickup Method Select option that matches the method in which you deliver your packages to UPS
    Packaging Type Packaging used when delivering through UPS
    Customer Classification Code 01=UPS exists with daily UPS pickup, 03=no UPS acct. or billing UPS with no UPS daily pickup, 04=shipping from retail outlet (US origin)
    Shipping Origin Code Origin point (affects the UPS product names shown to the user)
    Origin City City from which the package is being delivered from
    Origin State/Province State or Province of delivery origin (2-letter code)
    Origin Country Country of delivery origin (2-letter code)
    Origin Zip/Postal Code Origin Zip code or postal code
    Test Mode Indicates if UPS shipping option is in test mode or in actual production mode
    Quote Type Either Residential or commercial
    Services UPS services available as per the origin shipping code
    Enable Insurance Enables insurance based on product total
    Display Delivery Weight Option to display delivery weight
    Weight Class Kilogram, Pound, Ounce, or Gram
    Length Class Centimeters or inches
    Dimensions  Average packing box size
    Tax Class  Depending on product type - none, taxable goods, downloadable product
    Geo Zone  GeoZone is the area in which this shipping option applies
    Status  ENABLES shipping option
    Sort Order  Determines where in the list the shipping option will appear
    Debug Mode  Saves send/receive data to system log

    STATUS is the option that actually enables the shipping option, so make sure to enable this option if you intend to let the customer use UPS as a shipping option.

  5. When ALL of the options have been selected and you are ready for the shipping option to be used by your customers, make sure that you click on SAVE in the top right hand corner to save your selections before you proceed.

The United Parcel Service or UPS is a popular shipping option that is used internationally.  The options for UPS shipping are not limited to the functionality of the default UPS extension.  There are also extensions that you can purchase from UPS that extend the functionality of the option.  Check out the OpenCart Extensions web page for further details.  If you are only interested in the basic shipping requirements, then enabling the UPS shipping extension should be satisfactory and meet the needs of your customers. 

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