If you are working with Opencart, the backoffice page for managing the software is called the Administrator Dashboard.  This is the launching point for all the areas available to you as an administrator of OpenCart 1.5.  The following tutorial gives you a quick description of each section of the Administrator Dashboard in OpenCart 1.5.

Description of the Administrator Dashboard in OpenCart 1.5

The dashboard is the central point from which you operate as an administrator for OpenCart.  You will need to first login to the dashboard (often called the back office) for OpenCart 1.5.  When you login, you'll see the following:


This is the first screen that you will see.  It basically gives you a quick summary of the store's sales, orders, and customers. Each section will be more detailed below.


Menu Bar


As per the arrow above, the menu bar includes all of the menus for the different areas for managing the OpenCart application.   To the far right, you can  visit the Store Front in one click or log-out of the application.



dashboard-overview  The overview portion of the dashboard indicates total sales, total orders, total number of customers and customers awaiting approval to access your store. It also indicates Reviews awaiting approval and affiliate numbers.




Statistics are also displayed graphically on the dashboard.  You can select a variety of time ranges by clicking on the drop-down menu in the top right hand corner of the display. 


Latest 10 Orders


The latest 10 orders  table simply shows the Order ID, Customer, Date of the sale total and an option to be able to view the specific sale in more detail.



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