The Catalog Statistics Report is a comprehensive report that shows a large amount of specific information about your catalog of products. The following article describes all of the part of the Catalog Statistics report in PrestaShop 1.5.
Products available | quantity of products in selected category |
Average price(base price) | average price of the selected category |
Products page viewed | number of pages viewed in selected category by customer |
Products bought | number of products purchased in category |
Average number of page visits | average number of visited pages |
Average number of purchases | average number of purchased pages in category |
Images available | images available per category |
Average number of images | average number of images per category |
Products never viewed | products never viewed in category |
Products never purchased | products never purchased in category |
Conversion rate | relationship between number of visits and purchases |
The CATALOG STATISTICS report is a category specific report which helps you focus on all of your products in the store. This allows you to pinpoint your successes and the products that are not selling. Adjust your marketing, product inventory, and store policies based on what you find these reports to help move your store in a positive directions. Go to the Introduction to the Stats Page in PrestaShop 1.5 for further information about the STATS section.
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