Setting up shipping in any e-commerce program can be a daunting task. In order to set up shipping, normally you will need to understand and manually configure zones for your e-commerce store. Fortunately, with PrestaShop, there are many free modules available to make setting up shipping with your preferred carrier(s) much easier. But, if you need to fine tune your settings after installing a module an understanding of the various Shipping options and settings in PrestaShop will be needed. This tutorial will touch briefly on the various options available in the PrestaShop shipping settings so that you can make any necessary adjustments after installing a module or if you want to create and manage shipping settings yourself.

Before we go into further details about shipping, please make sure you have already configured the following for your PrestaShop site:

In your PrestaShop back office, you can change your Shipping settings and subsections through the Shipping tab.


The main page contains a few settings for your PrestaShop store:

Handling If you would like to charge handling fees above shippng, enter this in the Handling Charges field. You can also specify if you want to offer free shipping based on price and/or weight.
Billing Select whether you want shipping based on total order price or total order weight. If you select weight, you will need to make sure each product has a weight entered in for it.
Fees If you are manually configuring shipping, this is where you assign the fees for each carrier, based on Zones.


The following settings are presented in a bit different order than they are shown in PrestaShop because the order in PrestaShop is different from the order you would want to configure each setting. In this tutorial, we present the settings in the order that's easiest to set up and/or edit.

Zones Zones can be named anything you like, these are user created and defined geographical locations you will be shippping products to.
Countries In PrestaShop, by default, countries should already be created and configured for you. The only change you may need to make is if you need to change the Zone each country is assigned to.
States States are the top level divisions of a country. In countries other than the United States, these may be referred to as regions or provinces. By default, PrestaShop provides the 50 U.S. states as well as these divisions for other countries. When a state is created, it is assigned to both a country and a zone. Assigning states to a country controls the list in the drop down menu for a country when a customer is ordering a product.
Counties Even though counties are shown under the Shipping options, counties are used for configuring specific tax rules and do not have an affect on shipping. You can create specific counties and even add zip codes to the counties if needed.
Carriers Carriers are all the different options you will offer for shipping. You may have more than one carrier for each company you offer shipping through (e.g. U.S.P.S, FedEx, UPS, etc.). This can be confusing, but just keep in mind that each method of shipping (e.g. Overnight, Priority, etc.) will need to be set up as a separate carrier. You can also select a preferred default carrier near the bottom of the Carriers page
Price Ranges Configure a particular carrier to be used for specific price ranges.
Weight Ranges Configure a particular carrier to be used for specific weight ranges.

Fortunately, installing a module will automatically create the needed carrier(s) in your PrestaShop back office. Shipping modules will automatically assign carriers to all zones, so you should make sure that your Zones are configured properly before installing a shipping module in PrestaShop. You can also refine your Zones and other shipping options as needed even after installing a module.

We have tutorials on three of the most popular shipping modules: U.S.P.S, FedEx, and UPS.

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