If you get a 404 error when accessing cPanel, this issue is likely caused by the cPanel (or webmail) port being blocked on your computer due to an ISP or Firewall setting.  If you are unable to change the settings, proxy logins are available so that you can still access your cPanel.

How do I log into cPanel if I am getting a 404 error?

If you have access to your firewall or security settings, the best way to correct this issue is to open the cPanel ports. The numbers are as follows:

  • cPanel: 2082 and 2032
  • Webmail: 2095 and 2096

If you are not able to unblock the ports, for example if it is a company firewall that is blocking the cPanel ports, you can also log in via proxy which runs over port 80. You can also access your cPanel and webmail using these links:

  • cPanel: http://cpanel.yourdomain.com
  • Webmail: http://webmail.yourdomain.com

If you are still unable to log in at the proxy locations, please contact our support technicians and we will be happy to assist you!

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n/a Points
2019-12-27 1:53 pm

I tried the above suggestion on my site and it's working now thanks for the support.

153 Points
2019-12-27 6:24 pm
Great to hear and glad it helped!

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