Updating the website statistics by using Awstats is done with an UPDATE link found in the top center portion of the AWSTATS page.  Here's a screenshot of the location:

Shows the UPDATE link in AWSTATS

However, you may see the following error message:

Unable to update the log.  This message shows 
Error:  Log is currently being processed in the background.  Cannot update.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you are experiencing should you continually see this error message.  Our Systems team is currently working on a resolution to stop this particular error from recurring.



What is the Source of the Error Message?

Typically, the Web Hosting Hub servers update website statistics during off-peak hours in the evening.  Due to the amount of resources consumed in this process, the update for particular sites may be delayed until all of the statistics updates are completed. Additionally, if the server load/traffic is high, then statistics updates may be delayed until a later date.  Usually, the update runs, but there are times when manual intervention is required. 

Is there anything that I can do?

You can always request the update of your website statistics through live technical support. You will need to provide verification for your account when making the request.  Please remember that even if you request a manual update, it still may require several hours to run the update for your website statistics.


Other Solutions - Google Analytics

One of the best solutions for website statistics is actually free- Google Analytics  from Google.  This program not only tracks your web statistics, but it also provides a great interface for your website reports.  For more information on how to use and install Google Analytics, please go to:

Google Analytics

The solution does require a little work to setup for your website, though for Wordpress users and other web applications, you may find that plugins for Google Analytics are readily available.  The amount of information that Google Analytics is enormous, but it is one of the best programs in use for this purpose.  Our apologies again for the errors and frustration you may have be incurring with Awstats.  Our management and systems teams are working to provide a permanent solution that will be available in the near future.


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