"Phishing" is a method used by hackers to obtain personal information about others through the Internet. Normally a phishing site will be designed to look like a website that someone trusts, but instead of going to the desired website, the information is given to the hackers instead. A common example that we see is a phishing site will have the appearance of a bank website to get a user's bank account information. Phishing sites are strictly forbidden on Web Hosting Hub servers.
Unfortunately, sometimes if a website is hacked, the hackers will place "phishing" files on the hacked website. For example, if your account FTP information is compromised, a hacker may place in a remote folder on your account a phishing site. When this is caught by Web Hosting Hub or a third party scanner, it will appear that you are running a phishing site when really it was due to your account being hacked. This happens rarely but unfortunately it does occur. To help protect your website, we recommend:
Phishing is not the most common website hack, but it is something to keep in mind when you are looking at your account files and folders. Do not hesitate to contact our support team if you have any suspicions of the possibility that your website has any phishing related files.
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