The previous guide in our working with the Internationalization add-on series covered copying a language tree. In this tutorial we will show you how to create a multilingual sitemap.xml file.  The free Internationalization Add-on in Concrete5 allows you to easily generate the sitemap, so that your site structure can be readily available to search engines.

Sitemaps include information about your site, such as URL addresses, and when the site was updated, which can help search engines catalog your website and provide traffic that pertains to your content.

Generating a Multilingual Sitemap:

  1. You must first install the Internationalization Add-on before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Login to your Concrete5 Dashboard.
  3. Roll your mouse over the Dashboard button on top, and click System & Settings, to bring the System & Settings menu up.
  4. Beneath the Optimization menu select Automated Jobs, to see the list of automated jobs.
  5. Look for the automated job with the Name "Generate the sitemap.xml file", and click the play arrow beside it on the left site of the menu. It my take some time to complete this step, depending on the size of your website.
    Beneath the Last Run column the date will update to reflect that it has run successfully.

    Congratulations, now you know how to generate a multilingual Sitemap in Concrete5.

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2013-08-28 4:49 pm
i have problem in this step

Beneath the Optimization menu select Automated Jobs, to see the list of automated jobs.
Look for the automated job with the Name "Generate the sitemap.xml file", and click the play arrow beside it on the left site of the menu. It my take some time to complete this step, depending on the size of your website.

finally my jobs not done
Generate multilingual sitemap.xml File Generate the sitemap.xml file that search engines use to crawl your site with additional multilingual directives. 8/28/2013 at 1:16:24 PM This job is disabled because it may cause excessive load depending on the size of your site. To enable this job, you must define the constant ENABLE_MULTILINGUAL_SITEMAPXML as true.

how to enable this?

12,339 Points
2013-08-28 7:32 pm
Hello Kumar,

Thank you for your question. You must edit the site.php file, which is in your /config folder, and add that line of code. It should look similar to this when you are done:
define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'userna99_conc329');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'K96GttsSFD+');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'userna99_conc329');
define('PASSWORD_SALT', 'fdsgaeygregyat2452u582h5u5g71gbu12h4reg');

Here is a helpful link to our guide on how to manage files on your server.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,

2013-08-29 9:53 am
thank you john ....its work:-)


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