Currently, Ruby on Rails is not offered on servers at Web Hosting Hub, as Ruby on Rails requires SSH access to install and operate.  For security reasons, no account holders can have SSH on a shared server as it would potentially give access to other user's accounts.

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n/a Points
2014-07-11 7:59 pm

Hello - really like this service and all, but I am shifting towards writing RoR applications (just more elegant than PHP, IMO).  I think you guys should really reconsider the SSH thing...  so many web hosts allow it, so I think it is is punting to just disallow it.

16,266 Points
2014-07-11 10:01 pm
Hello JT,

We are always looking for ways to improve our services and will take a look at this suggestion. We thank you for the suggestion!

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
n/a Points
2014-09-02 3:57 pm

I agree with JT. I really like webhostinghub, but the lack of Rails support is kinda dissappointing. I would really like to host certain Rails applications on WHH.

I'm not sure why you guys deemed SSH insecure. Dependng on how it's implemented it could be very secure. It even has secure in it's name (Secure Shell). Also, as JT pointed out, there are many other web hosting providers that offer it, so there must be good ways to implement it without compromising the integrity of the service.

In addition, I know I'd be willing to pay an additional fee if this capability was provided.

n/a Points
2015-03-21 7:58 pm

WebHostingHub is a great service provider, but it's about time to support Ruby on Rails. C'mon guys!

2015-06-24 7:43 pm
I also agree with the request for Ruby on Rails. Hope that WebHostingHub implements it!
n/a Points
2015-12-16 4:49 am

I've noticed that since this article has been posted, you now allow SSH access to users. Do you have any plans to add Ruby on Rails now that this is no longer an obstacle?

1,198 Points
2015-12-16 5:00 am
Hello Zak,

Unfortunately we will not be adding Ruby on Rails at this time due to security issues with the version of Ruby that cPanel uses. However there may be solutions for this soon available on our platform.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens

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