All of Web Hosting Hub's servers utilize the suPHP configuration for running PHP. With suPHP, scripts (programs) are run as a CGI (Common Gateway Interface).

Why suPHP?

We utilize suPHP on our servers because it is a more secure way to run PHP scripts. In suPHP, file permissions can be set more securely. On servers where PHP runs as "nobody" files have to be set with insecure permissions like 777 or 666. This can leave your site vulnerable because it makes it easier for someone to add code and compromise your site.

On a suPHP server you can set your folder and file permissions more securely while still being able to execute scripts on your site. In the suPHP environment, your user (cPanel user name) will have the needed permissions to read, write, and execute your files.

How is suPHP Different From Mod_PHP?

Mod_PHP is a configuration where PHP runs as an Apache module. If you are coming from a host who used Mod_PHP instead of suPHP, there are a few things you will want to know about how suPHP differs from Mod_PHP:

  1. With suPHP you can easily control your account's PHP settings using a php.ini file.
  2. While SMTP mailing from scripts is recommended, it is not required. Under suPHP, if you have not set up your script to use SMTP, emails will come from your user (e.g. userna5@whub21.webhostinghub.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
  3. Because file permissions should be set more securely, make sure that no files or folders have permissions set at 777 or 666. These permissions settings can cause errors on your website.
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