The maximum file size allowed for uploads doesn't always meet the requirements of the website.  This is a setting commonly found within a file known as the PHP.INI file.  Here's an example screenshot of a program with max file size limits exceeded during an upload attempt:

Error text: file_name" has failed to upload due to an error - This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.

To fix the error, we will need to increase the allowe memory in your php.ini file. This is found in your hosting account folders. Below are the instructions to guide you on how to fix the php memory error in your php.ini file.

Fixing the "Maximum upload size exceeded" Error

  1. Log into your cPanel dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the FILES section of your Cpanel, and then click on the icon labeled FILE MANAGER.
  3. Go to the web root using the File Manager.
  4. Locate the php.ini file in your public_html folder. If you do not have one, our Tech Support team can place a default one in your account, or you can create a blank file by clicking on the New File icon and naming it php.ini so you can edit and add your own settings. Once you have a php.ini file, click on the file name to highlight it in the right side of the File Manager then open it for editing.
  5. Search the php.ini file for the following text:

    ; File Uploads ;

    Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
    file_uploads = On

    Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
    ; specified).
    ;upload_tmp_dir =

    Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
    upload_max_filesize = 128M

    Make sure file_uploads is set to "on", and then set the "Maximum allowed size for uploaded files" to the size that you need.
  6. Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.

This change affects all files within the directory that a PHP.INI is saved, unless the file is set to be recursive.  If it is set to be recursive, then it affects all directories as per the setting in the .HTACCESS file.  For more information, see How do I make my PHP.INI file recursive?

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