When you are building a website, there will be times when you need to make a picture bigger or smaller. In this tutorial we will show you how to re-size an image using Paint, which is an image editing program that is included on all Windows computers.

In my tests I am using Windows 7

Resizing an Image:

  1. Right-click the image you want to edit, then roll your mouse over Open with, and click Paint.
    opening an image using paint in windows 7
  2. Click the Resize button.
    resizing the image
    The Resize and Skew window will pop-up, and present several options. I recommend checking the box for Maintain aspect ratio, then click whether you want to resize based percentage or pixels.
    selecting settings
    Enter the new size in pixels, or what percentage increase or decrease you want on the picture, then click the OK button. The picture will then be modified as per your settings, you can then save the updated picture. In my tests I increased the image by 200%.
    image increased by 200 percent using paint on Windows 7


Congratulations, now you know how to resize an image using Paint, which is included with Microsoft Windows!


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