Steps for how to upload using Notepad++In this tutorial we will show you how to upload a file using Notepad++, which is typically used as a text-editor.  In my tests I am uploading from my desktop to my: /public_html folder.

You must have Notepad++ to complete this tutorial, which is freeware and can be directly downloaded from the Notepad++ website. It is only compatible with Windows Operating Systems.

We are assuming you are familiar with the file structure of your website. For more information regarding where to create the file, here is a link to a helpful article that explains folder structure.

Upload a File:

  1. Connect to your server using Notepad++.
  2. You will see your server files displayed in the NppFTP window, navigate to the folder you want to upload files in to. (You can double click a folder to open it.)
    Choosing the folder you want to upload to in Notepad++
  3. From your computer click the file you want to upload, then drag and drop the file into the Folder you want to upload to. It will upload immediately.

    Congratulations, now you know how to upload a file to your server using Notepad++!


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