There are many plugins that help you Protect your Wordpress website, on of the most popular options is Better WP Security. In this tutorial we will show you how to install the Better WP security plugin in Wordpress, then go over the available settings.

Most features with the Better WP Security Plugin can be activated with a single click.

I recommend performing a backup of your website, before installing a Wordpress plugin.

Installing Better WP Security:

  1. Login to the Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click the Plugins link on the navigation menu, then click the Add New link.
  3. In the search box enter "better wp security" then click the Search Plugins button.
  4. You will see the Better WP Security plugin listed, click the Install Now link.
  5. A message will pop-up asking "Are you sure you want to install this plugin?" click the OK button.
  6. An Installing Plugin page will load, click the Activate Plugin link.

    You have successfully installed the Better WP Security plugin for Wordpress.


Better WP Security Settings:

  1. Click the Security link in the Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. A welcome message will prompt you to create a database backup, I recommend performing a backup by clicking the Create Database Backup button. You can skip this step by clicking the No, thanks. I already have a backup button.
  3. On the next page click the Allow this plugin to change the WordPress core files.
  4. The One-Click Protection page lets you choose if you want to secure your site from basic attacks or configure the security settings yourself. Below is a description of the available options:
    Dashboard You can view your system status here, where you will be provided with security recommendations.
    Admin User You can change the Admin username and user ID here.
    Away Mode A one-time or repeating away mode can be set here.
    Ban Users You can enable a default blacklist, or ban specific hosts or user agents.
    Content Directory Your wp-content directory name can be changed here.
    Database Backup A manual database backup can be performed or scheduled here. 
    Database Prefix Your database prefix can be modified here.
    Hide Backend Your dashboard URL can be modified here.
    Intrusion Detection File change and 404 detection can be enabled here, and the settings can also be adjusted.
    Login Limits You can set limitations for failed login attempts here.
    SSL You can set SSL options for your website here.
    System Tweaks As per Better WP Security "Server tweaks make use of rewrite rules and, in the case of Apache or LiteSpeed, will write them to your .htaccess file. If you are however using NGINX you will need to manually copy the rules on the Better WP Security Dashboard and put them in your server configuration. The other tweaks, in some cases, make use of editing your wp-config.php file. Those that do can be manually turned off by reverting the changes that file."
    View Logs As per Better WP Security "This page contains the logs generated by Better WP Security, current lockouts (which can be cleared here) and a way to cleanup the logs to save space on the server and reduce CPU load."

Congratulations, now you know how to install the Better WP Security plugin, and you are familiar with its settings!


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