If you are allowing users to register on your Wordpress site, it is common for scripts or bots to attempt to create an account to gain access. A common deterrent is to include a test that tries to separate real people from bots, such as recaptcha. The Wordpress plugin Skt NURCaptcha easily adds a recaptcha to your registration page.
In this tutorial we will show you how to install the Skt NURCaptcha plugin in Wordpress, then we will go over the basic settings.
I recommend performing a backup of your website, before installing a Wordpress plugin.
You must have an account with Google to use this plugin, since it uses google's RECaptcha API.
Install Skt NURCaptcha:
- Login to the Wordpress Dashboard.
- Click the Plugins link in the navigation menu, then click the Add New link.
- In the search box, enter "skt nurcaptcha" then click the Search Plugins button.
- You will see Skt NURCaptcha listed, click the Install Now link.
A message will pop-up asking "Are you sure you want to install this plugin?" click the OK button.
- The "Installing Plugin" message will come up, click the Activate Plugin link. Skt NURCaptcha has now been successfully installed.
How to Use Skt NURCaptcha:
You must register and add a unique key, before you can use this plugin, we will walk you through these steps.
- Access the plugin by clicking the Settings link in the Wordpress Dashboard, then clicking Skt NURCaptcha.
- In the section titled "To enable this plugin's functionality, please enter your reCAPTCHA keys here," click the link titled reCAPTCHA API Signup Page.
You will be redirected to google to sign in or create an account. After logging in, you will be provided with a public & private key.
- Copy and paste the public and private keys into the Skt NURCaptcha settings fields, then click the Update Options button.
Now user registrations in your Wordpress site will require people to pass a recaptcha test.
Congratulations, now you know how to install and use the Skt NURCaptcha plugin for Wordpress!
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