We are happy to announce the upcoming roll out of several updates to our Premium Web Builder.  These updates will be rolled out on Wednesday June 6th, 2012 and will include over 300 updated templates! This update is the culmination to several smaller updates we have rolled out over the past few weeks to make the Premium Web Builder an easier to use and more reliable solution for our customers' first website design projects.

UPDATE: 2012.06.06 9am EST
We are happy to announce the successful roll out of several updates to our Premium Web Builder. The updates pushed out today include over 300 updated templates!

While the majority of the changes are very minor, some customers may see stock images replaced with different yet similar images the next time they log into the Builder to edit their site.  The changes will not affect sites that are currently published and will only go live the next time you republish your website.

We are positive that our customers will be happy with the changes that have been made to the Builder's templates, but if you experience any problems or have questions please contact our Support Dept via chat, ticket or by phone to discuss your concerns.

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